Enumerative Geometry Beyond Spaces

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of Cambridge
- 10:02
A story of degenerations in enumerative geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202408260856-Ranganathan.mp4 (111M)
, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 11:47
A gentle introduction to Categorical Enumerative Invariants
Watch video | Download video: 202408261037-Caldararu.mp4 (238M)
, Radboud University
- 15:30
Moduli spaces with abelian motives
Watch video | Download video: 202408261420-Hoskins.mp4 (250M)
, University of California, Berkeley
- 10:04
Interactions between homotopy theory and algebraic geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202408270901-Haine.mp4 (94M)
, Oxford University
- 11:33
Glimpses of motivic homotopy theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408271034-Yakerson.mp4 (377M)
, Universität Duisburg-Essen
- 15:11
An algebraic hairy ball theorem
Watch video | Download video: 202408271401-Levine.mp4 (502M)
, Univ Duisburg Essen
- 16:43
Tropical Methods in A1 enumerative geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202408271533-JaramilloPuentes.mp4 (458M)
, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
- 17:47
Virtual Kawasaki-Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem
Watch video | Download video: 202408271651-Ravi.mp4 (313M)
, University of Warsaw
- 10:07
Analogue of Hilbert schemes of points for Gorenstein algebras
Watch video | Download video: 202408280901-Jelisiejew.mp4 (84M)
, Harvard University
- 14:06
Equivariant enumerative geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202408281302-Brazelton.mp4 (326M)
, Hebrew University
- 15:40
Toward quadratically enriched Gromov-Witten theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408281430-Solomon.mp4 (453M)
, University of Mainz
- 10:06
Quadratically enriched residual intersections
Watch video | Download video: 202408290901-Bachmann.mp4 (468M)
, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
- 11:30
On quadratic Donaldson-Thomas theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408291020-Azouri.mp4 (370M)
, Duke University
- 12:38
The degree in stable equivariant homotopy theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408291141-Bethea.mp4 (303M)
, Imperial College London
- 09:51
Computing the motivic Euler characteristic
Watch video | Download video: 202408300905-Pal.mp4 (108M)
, University of Toronto
- 12:07
Intersection theory on schemes
Watch video | Download video: 202408301057-Elmanto.mp4 (400M)