Participant Testimonials
This was a great workshop, in terms of my career perspectives and the math that I have learned. Due to my participation in the BIRS workshop, I have re-visited several problems that I have stopped working on, thus re-starting at least one project with my collaborators. I was also able to foster new collaborations and research directions as I was presented with novel ideas during the workshop. I have also started discussions with colleagues that I haven't met before; I don't think that our discussions would come about had we met under different circumstances.
Participation at the BIRS workshop "Positive Solutions of Polynomial Systems Arising from Real-life Applications" left me with a lot of insights in the topic and gave me inspiration for my ongoing research. Furthermore, with a group of participants of the workshop we started a collaboration on a very exciting project that probably would not happen otherwise. Thank you BIRS and the organizers of the workshop for this opportunity!
LJAD, Université Côte d'Azur
I really enjoyed the talks, open problem sessions, and the organization of the BIRS workshop all together. It was also a great opportunity for me to meet/chat with new people/colleagues in the field of algebraic geometry and reconvene meetings with my collaborators, that in turn led to new topics and progress in our joint research projects.
Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill