Frontiers of Statistical Mechanics and Theoretical Computer Science

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, King’s College London
- 09:58
Applications of the cluster expansion
Watch video | Download video: 202408120900-Jenssen.mp4 (87M)
, Harvard
- 16:37
Algorithmic Spin Glass Theory
Watch video | Download video: 202408121530-Sellke.mp4 (118M)
, Tel Aviv University
- 09:57
The hypergraph container lemma revisited
Watch video | Download video: 202408130900-Samotij.mp4 (283M)
, Stanford University
- 14:47
Discrepancy algorithms for the binary perceptron
Watch video | Download video: 202408131400-Li.mp4 (79M)
, University of California, Davis
- 16:27
Optimality of AMP Among Low-Degree Polynomials
Watch video | Download video: 202408131532-Wein.mp4 (89M)
, McGill University
- 09:59
Root reconstruction for SI trees
Watch video | Download video: 202408140900-Addario-Berry.mp4 (374M)
, Charles University
- 11:38
Emergence of a giant component for random cluster model on the n-cube
Watch video | Download video: 202408141034-Kotecky.mp4 (111M)
, Stanford University
- 10:10
Parallel Sampling via Counting
Watch video | Download video: 202408150900-Anari.mp4 (120M)
, Tel Aviv University
- 11:23
Random high-density packing of disks on a lattice
Watch video | Download video: 202408151031-Hadas.mp4 (103M)
, Northwestern University
- 14:52
Metastability in heavy-tailed spin glass dynamics
Watch video | Download video: 202408151401-Gheissari.mp4 (88M)
- 09:49
Long-range frog model
Watch video | Download video: 202408160901-Angel.mp4 (81M)
- 11:28
Algorithmic threshold for the random perceptron
Watch video | Download video: 202408161030-Huang.mp4 (106M)