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All Meetings at BIRS in 2010

Code Title Arrival Date Departure Date
10w5100 Mathematics and physics of polymer entanglement: Emerging concepts and biomedical applications 01/10/2010 01/15/2010
10w5058 Multi-scale Stochastic Modeling of Cell Dynamics 01/17/2010 01/22/2010
10rit143 Convergence of loop-erased random walk to SLE(2) in the natural parametrization 01/17/2010 01/24/2010
10w5033 Sparse Random Structures: Analysis and Computation 01/24/2010 01/29/2010
10w5024 Theory and Applications of Matrices Described by Patterns 01/31/2010 02/05/2010
10w5085 Branching random walks and searching in trees 01/31/2010 02/05/2010
10w5035 Small scale hydrodynamics: microfluidics and thin films 02/07/2010 02/12/2010
10w5007 Convex Algebraic Geometry 02/14/2010 02/19/2010
10w5125 Some mathematical problems of material science: effects of multiple scales and extreme aspect ratios 02/21/2010 02/26/2010
10rit141 Theory of Functions of Noncommuting Variables and Its Applications 02/21/2010 02/28/2010
10w5119 Randomization, Relaxation, and Complexity 02/28/2010 03/05/2010
10w5051 Quasi-isometric rigidity in low dimensional topology 03/07/2010 03/12/2010
10w5047 (0,2) Mirror Symmetry and Heterotic Gromov-Witten Invariants 03/07/2010 03/12/2010
10rit149 Local-global principles for etale cohomology 03/07/2010 03/14/2010
10w5106 Geometric Scattering Theory and Applications 03/14/2010 03/19/2010
10w5073 Deterministic and stochastic front propagation 03/21/2010 03/26/2010
10w5114 Volume Inequalities 03/28/2010 04/02/2010
10frg147 Hyperbolicity in the symplectic category 03/28/2010 04/04/2010
10w5083 Coordinated Mathematical Modeling of Internal Waves 04/04/2010 04/09/2010
10w2165 Cascades topology 04/09/2010 04/11/2010
10w5072 Generalized complex and holomorphic Poisson geometry 04/11/2010 04/16/2010
10rit146 H-holomorphic maps in symplectic manifolds 04/11/2010 04/18/2010
10w5025 Optimal transportation and applications 04/18/2010 04/23/2010
10rit135 Boundary problems for the second order elliptic equations with rough coefficients 04/18/2010 04/25/2010
10w2161 Ted Lewis Workshop on SNAP Math Fairs in 2010 04/23/2010 04/25/2010
10w5094 Character Varieties in the Geometry and Topology of Low-dimensional Manifolds 04/25/2010 04/30/2010
10w2162 Alberta Number Theory Days -- L-functions 04/30/2010 05/02/2010
10w5027 Functional Data Analysis: Future Directions 05/02/2010 05/07/2010
10w5057 Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science 05/02/2010 05/07/2010
10rit151 Alexandrov Geometry 05/02/2010 05/09/2010
10w2137 Western Canada Linear Algebra Meeting 05/07/2010 05/09/2010
10w5054 Nonlinear Diffusions and Entropy Dissipation: From Geometry to Biology 05/09/2010 05/14/2010
10frg138 Theory of Rotating Machines 05/09/2010 05/16/2010
10w5063 Inverse Transport Theory and Tomography 05/16/2010 05/21/2010
10w2062 PIMS Mathematical and Statistical Graduate Education Roundtable 05/21/2010 05/23/2010
10w5105 Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers: Theoretical Models and Mathematical Challenges 05/23/2010 05/28/2010
10frg131 Sparse pseudorandom objects 05/23/2010 05/30/2010
10w5032 Diophantine Approximation and Analytic Number Theory: A Tribute to Cam Stewart 05/30/2010 06/04/2010
10rit139 Pentagram map, complete integrability and cluster manifolds 05/30/2010 06/06/2010
10w5096 Whittaker Functions, Crystal Bases, and Quantum Groups 06/06/2010 06/11/2010
10frg132 The Mathematical Genesis of the Phenomenon called 1/f noise 06/06/2010 06/13/2010
10w5017 Inclusive fitness in evolutionary modeling 06/13/2010 06/18/2010
10w5020 Evolutionary Games 06/13/2010 06/18/2010
10frg155 Discrete Probability 06/13/2010 06/27/2010
10w5011 Geometric Analysis and General Relativity 06/20/2010 06/25/2010
10w5005 Noncommutative Lp spaces, Operator spaces and Applications 06/27/2010 07/02/2010
10w5039 Structure and representations of exceptional groups 07/04/2010 07/09/2010
10rit156 Borel measurable functionals on measure algebras 07/04/2010 07/11/2010
10w5068 Statistical issues relevant to significance of discovery claims 07/11/2010 07/16/2010
10w5076 Statistical Genomics in Biomedical Research 07/18/2010 07/23/2010
10frg140 Nonlinear Discrete Optimization 07/18/2010 07/25/2010
10rit136 Analytic index theory 07/25/2010 08/01/2010
10w5066 Analysis and Boundary Value Problems on Real and Complex Domains 07/25/2010 07/30/2010
10frg116 Cortical Spreading Depression and Related Phenomena 08/01/2010 08/08/2010
10w5028 Computational Complexity 08/01/2010 08/06/2010
10w5036 Recent Advances on de Giorgi's Conjecture and the Study of Entire Solutions of Nonlinear Scalar Equations: Interaction of PDEs and Differential Geometry 08/08/2010 08/13/2010
10w2134 New geometric and numeric tools for the analysis of differential equations 08/13/2010 08/15/2010
10w5081 Multivariate Operator Theory 08/15/2010 08/20/2010
10rit159 Subordination Problems Related to Free Probability 08/15/2010 08/22/2010
10w5016 Extreme events in climate and weather an interdisciplinary workshop 08/22/2010 08/27/2010
10w2133 Information processing, rational beliefs and social interaction 08/27/2010 08/29/2010
10w5075 Rate-independent systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Computations 08/29/2010 09/03/2010
10w5121 New trends on structural graph theory 09/05/2010 09/10/2010
10w2170 Hierarchical Bayesian Methods in Ecology 09/10/2010 09/12/2010
10w5069 Test problems for the theory of finite dimensional algebras 09/12/2010 09/17/2010
10rit160 Research in photonics: modeling, analysis, and optimization 09/12/2010 09/19/2010
10w5092 Classification of amenable C*-algebras 09/19/2010 09/24/2010
10w5056 Mathematical Foundations of Mechanical Biology 09/26/2010 10/01/2010
10w2173 Prediction and Control of Pandemic Outbreak 10/01/2010 10/03/2010
10w5102 Linking neural dynamics and coding: correlations, synchrony, and information 10/03/2010 10/08/2010
10w2163 Operator Algebras and Representation Theory: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals 10/08/2010 10/10/2010
10w5061 New Perspectives in Univariate and Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials 10/10/2010 10/15/2010
10w5077 Front propagation in heterogeneous media: mathematical, numerical, and statistical issues in modelling a forest fire front 10/17/2010 10/22/2010
10w5029 Control and Optimization with Differential-Algebraic Constraints 10/24/2010 10/29/2010
10w5019 Integrable and stochastic Laplacian growth in modern mathematical physics 10/31/2010 11/05/2010
10rit158 Derived Category Methods in Commutative Algebra II 10/31/2010 11/07/2010
10w5026 Topological methods in toric geometry, symplectic geometry and combinatorics 11/07/2010 11/12/2010
10w5031 Quasisymmetric Functions 11/14/2010 11/19/2010
10w5041 Nonstandard Discretizations for Fluid Flows 11/21/2010 11/26/2010
10w2174 Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest Workshop 11/26/2010 11/28/2010
10w5122 Sampling and Reconstruction: Applications and Advances 11/28/2010 12/03/2010
10w5030 Teachers as Stakeholders in Mathematics Education Research (MER) 12/05/2010 12/10/2010

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