Feedback Form

If applicable, please select the workshop that you attended:

It is important that we know about your professional experience with the workshop you attended.

Scientific content

  • Did your participation in the workshop impact your current research, or a field of study you are familiar with? New results? Fresh insight? New research projects? New contacts you wouldn't have had otherwise? New collaborations or papers that originated during the workshop?
  • Did the workshop affect your job prospects, your student's or your postdoc? Did it influence any hiring decision you were involved in?
  • Did the workshop have any other impact on your favorite scientific discipline?

Public testimonial for BIRS website:

(If you would rather it not be public, use the Comments field below).
Note: BIRS may choose to post some or all of your testimonial on this website, at


Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Comments and suggestions (private):

Your name and affiliation (optional):

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